Thanks for visiting Mr. Prolock Keeler! We help Keeler area residents & businesses by offering the complete range of security & locksmith services.
Whether you’re locked out of your vehicle and need an emergency locksmith 24 hours per day or you are looking to rekey a lock you can count on us. If you are searching for a skilled locksmith in Keeler give us a call now.
Unlike a lot of other locksmithing businesses, we are 100% insured, bonded & licensed. Check if your current locksmithing company is bonded, licensed and insured. We should also mention that each of our locksmiths has completed our Mr. Prolock training program. This training program, taught by master locksmiths, has standards above those of government provided training programs! Our locksmiths are the best you can get because of our training program.
24/7 Emergency Locksmithing Services
Proudly serving the Keeler, California area, we’re here to help with your emergency locksmith services. We’re available 24 hours a day! As soon as you give us a shout we will place you on our priority list! You’ll have a professional locksmith on their way to you right away!
Locked out of your residence? Being locked out of your home is a very common occurrence. Give us a shout! We’ll immediately send one of our skilled locksmiths to your residence to help you! In almost every case, your door can be opened without doing any damage! You will be able to get back into your property after our qualified locksmiths have successfully picked your lock. Picking your lock doesn’t cause damage.
If the lock cannot be picked, we’ll try drilling. Drilling does damage the lock but fortunately it doesn’t cause damage to the door. Do not worry, our licensed locksmiths will bring all necessary tools with them to ensure that they can fix any lock problems they come across on the spot without needing to leave to get other equipment. If your home has been broken into, give us a shout to have a locksmith dispatched right away! We will send a fully equipped experienced locksmith to your location any time of the day or night!
Give us a ring for any emergency problem you may have. Once we know the details of your emergency situation, we are happy to provide a preliminary quote!
Residential Locksmith Solutions
Locked out, need a home rekeyed, or have a broken lock? Mr. Prolock’s qualified locksmiths are here to assist you with any residential locksmith service you require! Call our licensed locksmiths if you are looking for help with technologically advanced home security options. Call us now!
Commercial Locksmith Services
Our locksmiths are here to help secure your commercial property with only the most up-to-date security solutions available! We are here to focus as much on your business security as you do on your business’ sales. We’re here to ensure your assets are safe and secure. We carry a large selection of commercial security options. Call us now to find out more!
Some of the commercial locksmithing solutions we provide to businesses include wrap around plates, shatterproof window film, door closing systems & access control systems.
We are available to complete an in-depth security profile on your business. The results of this detailed profile will provide you with a starting point for increasing your business security.
Automotive Services
Our highly trained locksmiths are fully equipped to deal with any of your automotive locksmith needs. We’re available to help you gain access to your car without causing damage, make new keys or replace a car ignition.
Do you need a new car key? We have got you covered for almost all makes of cars, trucks and motorcycles. These include: Acura, Audi, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Chevy, Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hummer, Hyundai, Infiniti, Isuzu, Jaguar, Jeep, Kia, Landrover, Lexus, Lincoln, Mercedes, Mercury, Mini, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Pontiac, Range Rover, Saturn, Subaru, Toyota, VW and Volvo. If you have a vehicle make not included in the above list, there is a high chance we can still help you. Call us now to see if we can make or duplicate keys for your make of car! Additionally, we provide vehicle key duplication services! Are you frustrated getting keys created for newer cars equipped with transponder keys? We’ve got you covered! Do you have a high security key (like a Mercedes-Benz or BMW key)? We can usually help you with these as well! In the event you have a broken flip key or need ECM re-flashing, our qualified locksmiths will be able to help you!
Give us a call if you need help with absolutely any automotive locksmith situation! Anything from new keys to getting you into your locked car, we are here to assist you!
Give Us a Call Now for Licensed Locksmith & Security Services in Keeler California!
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